TEOCO experts to share their knowledge at Global Industry Events

TEOCO leaders discuss CEM, Big Data Analytics & Fraud Management
FAIRFAX, VA., 23 OCTOBER 2013 – TEOCO, the leading provider of Assurance and Analytics solutions to communications service providers worldwide, announced today that its CEM, Big Data Analytics and Fraud Management experts will be speaking at upcoming Industry Conferences around the globe.
TEOCO’s Vice President, Market Strategy, Jonjie Sena, will be moderating a panel, How to become an agile service provider, on Tuesday October 29th, 2013 at TM Forum’s Digital Disruption Conference (http://events.tmforum.org/digital-disruption-2013/) in San Jose, California. This session, included in the Agile Business and IT Forum, will discuss questions surrounding main impacts of today’s market and the affects that they have on service providers, which strategies are being pursued, what the current trends are in service operations and IT architectures and where must the industry collaborate?
At the same event as part of TM Forum’s The Hub, Yuval Stein, TEOCO’s AVP of Product Management, will be participating in a Catalyst session titled, Performance, Quality & Experience: Focus on the Customer. This presentation will demonstrate an integrated service management architecture operating over a converged network (Mobile & Fixed) to see exactly how pro-active and dynamic measurement of probe and performance data can be used to immediately improve customer experience – even before there’s an issue.
At BICS’s Mobility in Action Event (http://mobilityinaction.bics.com/) in Bruges, Belgium on October 28th, Jacob Howell, Director at the CFCA, will present the results of the Communications Fraud Control Association’s (CFCA) 2013 Industry Fraud Loss Survey. The fraud loss survey polled fraud and security experts working in all sectors of the communications industry and provides an in-depth view of the current worldwide impact of fraud. It also provides a view into the new and emerging fraud methods and fraud types taking shape within the industry. Mr. Howell also serves as TEOCO’s Director of Fraud and Revenue Assurance.
Next month, Tom Walker, Director of Solution Architecture, will present the results of the CFCA’s Industry Fraud Loss Survey at a joint conference of the Communication’s Fraud Control Association and Forum for the International Irregular Network Access (FIINA) (http://www.cfca.org/events.php) in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 4-8th. In his presentation, Mr. Walker will present a comprehensive view of fraud affecting the industry and provide insights into emerging fraud trends.