
The 5G Innovation Center (5GIC) project brings together over 170 researchers to create the world’s largest academic research center dedicated to mobile and wireless connectivity. By launch, the center had already filed fifteen patents and developed technology for transferring data at one terabit per second.

The 5GIC’s new testbed facility provides researchers with a fully functioning 5G network. Researchers use the test network to study and plan for the impact of new services and use cases for mobile networks, including the Internet of Things.


There were challenges on both sides for this project. The 5GIC required industry experience and tools with which to design and operate their test networks, and TEOCO wanted to gain early insights into 5G to understand how to evolve our tools to meet the challenges 5G would present and ensure they were ready when commercial networks started adopting 5G.

TEOCO’s Solution

In September 2015, at the launch of the 5G Innovation Center (5GIC) at the University of Surrey, TEOCO was announced as a Gold Founder member. Even before this, TEOCO had been active on the project, helping to obtain the necessary funding.

In addition to our industry expertise, TEOCO provided several network planning and optimization tools for use at the 5GIC, including:
Helix was deployed in a cloud environment, to provide service assurance with real time analytics and machine learning.
ASSET Radio, for radio planning, including small cell planning.
ASSET Capacity, for end-to-end visualization and capacity planning.

Value Generated

“5G is an investment in the future of the telecoms industry,” said Atul Jain, CEO of TEOCO. “We’re focused on making sure our tools allow operators to make the most of their network. Our involvement with the 5G Innovation Center means operators can be assured that their 5G networks will be able to cope with next-generation applications straight from roll-out. We’re proud to contribute our latest network tools, as well as our expertise and industry experience to this project, to help the 5GIC advance research into 5G for the benefit of the wider industry and users alike.”

As a member of the 5GIC standards sub-group, TEOCO is working hard to drive this research into industry standards. As a Gold founder member, we’re involved in the highest level of participation for 5GIC, including its patent program. The 5GIC program gives the UK a unique opportunity to demonstrate how international collaboration around the next generation of communications can shape the future for a smarter, digitally connected world.

“TEOCO has supported the 5G Innovation Center from the very beginning, by providing firstly radio planning and dimensioning tools: and more recently by deploying the TEOCO Helix service assurance solution into the Internet of Things (IoT) 5G Lab,” said Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Director of the 5GIC. “TEOCO’s role in 5GIC demonstrates its value as a partner for pioneering 5G research, especially in advanced radio frequency propagation and self-organizing networks,” he concluded.